Duke AreLeaf

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Can u do me a favor? Please listen to what I'm about to say.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

ba right back..

i'll be back in couple of days.
my broadband subscription will expired in 30 minutes..
maybe be back on sunday..
just maybe..
we'll see how my money flow untill then..
if there any more left..
i'll be sure 2 be back online then..
till then..

Duke's piece

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i finally finished my final exams...
syukur xterkata...
walaupun hnya smgu jek exam..
terasa gak penat lelah study yg x sberapa neh..

tp kan..
i've got 2 admit..
my last paper on sunday evenin..
its really isnt how i thought it would be..
seriously shit gila babi punyer senang...
dpt je paper..
i was like going 2 shout it out loud...
it was like "hey.. i've read exactly that last night."
n that whats came up... hahahahha
mmg best giler ahhh..

ow yeah...
after the last paper..
i went to Pudu with apit n fiza..
lotta people there..
i wonder why..
owh yeah..
perhaps they bought tickets(of coz larrrr)
4 the coming school hols..
alip alip..

fucking shit...
dh hbs exam pon still stuck here..
my ticket is on 29th may..
i wanna go back ASAP..
i got this silly subject registration 4 next sem..
cant that just wait untill next sem..
n i also got this ptptn meeting on 27th..
btw.. thats totally forgiven right..
they r paying 4 my study doesnt they..
i need 2 pay that back didnt i..
let it be lah..

on monday i went to Jusco with Nad n Fiza..
they bring along kak mas n kak mi..
first time they went out 2gether as far as i know..
kak mas n kak mi isn't into this kinda stuff..
makan2 at the food court..
nad blanje sume dowh..
duit baru msuk la tuh...
nyway, thanks nad..
hahahahahahha...from left.. Fiza, Kak Mi, Nad, Kak Mas

owh yeah..
td we all pegi bukit lagong..
*the pics will be uploaded soon.. x ambik dri veron lg....

Duke's piece

Saturday, May 23, 2009

the one that i promise bout connot be posted..
due to certain condition..


de day after my last post....
i went to apit's rented house @ Nilai..(is it??)hahah.. i arrive around 11.. n i've been waiting there at the ktm station like fuckin crazy...(2 damn hours 2 be exact..) yeah apit.. im pretty damn angry bout that.. hahahah.. the excuse was that he fallen assleep.. SHIT... hahahah.. n at his house xde pape yg menarik sgt.. just rncg nk g PD.. but, both of us found out that the pillow was more intresting..(since both of us did not slept last nite coz chatting till suboh.. hahaha) bgun jek tros g mkn n g maen pool.. like always.. im just an audience.. im not really into this kinda stuff.. hahahah... n den dh suboh bru balik umah apit.. hahaha.. dlm petang cmtu, i've got my self back 2 my hostel... hahahahahah....
apit menunjukkan skill nya.. hahaha

on monday.. i got exams... worst.. i got 2 paper on that day.. WTF.. it's been like hell.. thank god it's not so hard.. (since i already got all the spot questions..) hahahaha.... thanks 2 my damn good lecturers.. n on wednesday i've got another paper.. but somehow.. i've missed it.. lol.. babi tol.. i did'nt woke up.. my frens try to wake me up.. but i did'nt.. ak siap bole kater nk repeat that paper nex sem lar, per lar.. ak btol2 x sedar... ak bergerak ke kolej.. ask if it possible 4 me to take that paper on that day.. unfortunately i cant.. i must wait 4 the referal examination... shit.. n i need 2 pay 2 take that exam.. fuck fuck fuck.. babi lar.. pdn muke ko alip.. sape soh miss paper.. kan dh kene byr.. hahahah...n den ak g mid.. saje jln2.. tyme nk balik, ak blikan
Big Apple's donut 4 the guys at home.. hahah. bapak hepi dorg.. hahahahah.. yeh guys.. im your santa..
the donuts

today.. ak bgun agak lmbat..(always) hahah.. n dpt call 4rom i of my pal sayin that she's leavin 2 french 2nite.. n he askin me if im free 2 meet him.. Fiza.. cen i ever pass a chance 2 meet with u.. hahahah.. so.. we met at KL sentral.. since she's taking the KLIA express to KLIA.. hahaha.. mkn2 jap kat Starbucks.. her treats of coz.. hahahah... agak kepenatan after dat... n den i met a new fren.. i knew him from myspace... msg2 n die kater die ader kat ctu gak... lepak2 ag.. hahahah.. n den balik je lar..mentelaah kitab ini..

i'll be having my papers on sunday..
i better get my books by now...

Duke's piece

Friday, May 15, 2009

worth waiting

i'll be posting some juicy post in nearest time...


what u need to do is wait up..

i'll be sure its worth waiting...

Duke's piece

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


kisahnya bermula pada hari ahad petang dimana aku telah ber'ym dgn si Nash.. chat punye chat, t'kluar gossip yg ak buat ttg die n Reen.. die lak x bole blah buat ayt.. cm org makan hati jek.. hahahhaha... n die ad sebut yg Reen dh ader balak skrg ni.. ak pon mcm.. ape kes ni.. ak xtwu menahu pon ttg hal ni kan.. maksud ak, ak ni kembar die.. xkan lar bende kecik cmni pon die x gtwu ak.. so, pda sbelah mlmnye, ak koll Sab utk nk dpt kan kepastian.. n dri ape yg ak dgr dri sab mmg btol lar ape yg ak dgr dri nash ptg td... ak pon ape lagi.. tros menerus serang reen.. ak ckp lbey kurg cmni lar... "u owe me an explaination.. 2moro Mid at 2.. no excuses" die dgn tercengang pon tidak d'beri peluang utk nk membela diri... hahahah.. dh mmg ak wajibkan.. die mmg xbley nk lwn da lar kan... hahahhahah...
Ahad.. ak set dgn wahyu utk nk g jmpe reen kat mid.. saje je nk bwk wahyu sbb nk bg gak JKF jmpe dgn Batu.. hahahha.. dlm kul 12 ktorg gerak.. smpai je kat mid bru kol 1.. so, kmi pon lepak2 lu kat starbuks.. tgu si reen kat ctu gak lar.. hahahahh... dlm kul 2 lbey2 ckit reen smpai... tyme irulah kebenaran terungkai.. dan ak telah berjanji dgn reen yg ak x akan bgtwu org lain.. not even the batu... so.. my mouth r sealed.. hahahha...lps lepak kat starbuck smpai dh berakar jubur, ktorg g lak ke MPH.. nk cri buku bru.. tapi hampeh.. x bli pon.. just bli HOT magazine jek... hahahhahah.. x ley blah.. lps tu jer, ktorg gerakkan kaki ke McD kat dpn GSC.. sbbnye ak dh janji nk blanje reen mkn.. tyme mkn ponjdi gak giler wahyu n reen.. bole ke buang bekas fries yg penuh dgn plate sos ke bwh dgn selambe jek.. cm sial giler.. seb bek xde org nmpak.. ak kater nooo.. tp dorg bwat gak.. tp ok la kan.. disitulah dpt d'lht yg JKF dan Batu dpt masuk 1 kepala.. hahahah... destinasi seterusnya ke ROMP.. wahyu nk shopping.. die beli baju.. reen try baju.. nk bli duit dh xde.. huhuhuhuhu.... so, try je lar kan...lps 2 lepak2 kat dpn the garden.. isap rokok lu beb.. mati wahyu jap g kalu x isap rokok.. hahahhaha.. lepak siap buat cm umah sniri lak tuh.. bole baring2 siap.. hahahhah.. xley blah tol.. huhuhuhu... agak lame mlepak kat ctu.. lps tu merayau2 dlm garden lak.. lps tu anta reen balik.. n kami pon tros balik je... sbb mlmnye kmi ader meeting lak.. hahahhaahah... hari yang agak best lar.. tp.. xbest sbb ak xley nk bershopping.. fulus xde maaaaaa.. hahahahha.. nnt je la lak... hehehehheheheh... thats all fuckers..

masih lagi bersama selamanya

bukti Batu n JKF serasi bersama

Duke's piece

Sunday, May 10, 2009


~Happy Mothers Day~

a word that i've always wish evry year..
a day that i've never 4get 2 celebrate past years..
a day that really important that u've do nothing for the day..
a day that we, ur childs be happy to do evrything 4 u..
a day where my entire schedule involve around it..

but today..
its no longer the same..
without u being by my side..
without u to know how to cheer me up..
even when i've hurt u much..
i've always want to say..
my love is the only pay..

syukur ya Allah kerana memberi aku peluang untuk merasai kehangatan dan nikmat kasih sayang seorang insan yang bergelar ibu.. walaupun hati ini masih belum cukup puas akan perasaan itu, aku hanya mampu bersyukur keatas pemberianMu dan redha dengan kehendakMu..

mama, bersemadilah dengan aman.. alif sentiasa sayangkan mama...

Duke's pieces

Saturday, May 9, 2009

how on earth i could 4got bout it at all...

fuck fuck fuck fuck...
babi babi babi babi babi.....
celaka celaka celaka celaka...
sial sial sial sial...
cmne la ak bley t'lupa..
n i knew sumtin isn't right....

sengal punya alif......

4give me...
i didn't meant 2 ever 4get bout it....
i knew that i 4get sumtin dat particular day..
please don't kill me...
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.........
what kind of twin am i???

4give me..

u r old now...
im still young...

n pliz consider to not kill me...
im still young n cute...


days of my life..............................

long time since my last post... okay.. first of all.. sory ek.. hahahha.. agk busy lerrr... n reen.. dont be mead at me if my update doesn't satisfy u.. hahahah.. okay lar... ni la hri2 yg ak lalui sepanjang ak x meng updatekan blog ak nih.. (x suma hari ak igt.. just yg ak igt je la ek)

last week or last 2 week if im not mistaken.. aku, wahyu, veron n joen g klcc.. saje je nk bawak si veron dgn joen jln2 area kl ni.. coz dorg x pnh pegi klcc(WTF)... hahahah.. so, kmi ni just like jdi unauthorized tourist guide je lar.. hahahah.. smpai ja kat sna kmi tros g tgk tiket wyg that i've booked earlier.. unfortunately, its way over the time that i'll supposed to collected it.. uwaaaaaa.... but, its okay what.. its wednesday n it still 4.. bole lg nk gune student card... hahahahha.. kmi tgk x men origin.. best siot.. hahahha.. n den.. kmi g mkn.. lps tu bru movie stat.. after dat.. ak bwk dorg g menjelajah dlm taman klcc... agak bgk pic yg kmi snap.. hahahahah... si veron punya la hepi smpai lupa hbs kat kmi suma.. she's in her own mind.. (ver, thank god i'll not be sending u to new york..) hahahah.. lastly kmi balik around 9.30.. hahahah..


by the klcc.. (me,veron,wahyu)

"wahyu, bru ak twu klcc ni tggi gak ek.." (jejaka hot stuff... hahahah)

i like this pics n i dont know why...

de day after dat.. ak bgun agak lmbat.. around 12.30.. tu pun sbb nafiz kejutkan suruh anta asgment kat miss fai
zah b4 6 today... arghhh.. cant they see that im sleeping.. xpe lar.. asgment nye psl... ak pon siap2 la nk g kolej.... lps je anta asgment.. agk keboringan.. so, kol si veron.. dorg ad kat sogo.. ak g join.. n den ak ajk dorg g pavillion... hahahahha.. jln je keje kan.. heheheh.. smpai kat pavillion... keje begamba je.. (dh mmg xde keje lain da...) lps tu.. do penat kaki bejalan, lepak2 kat coffee bean.. n den bwk veron n de geng pegi low yat.. nk survey camera ktenye.. (owh.. 4got 2 mention.. yun.. de new 1 in the geng is also with us dat day..) n i saw this fon that im going to die 4... of course its S.E.. wat else could fancy me.. hahahah.. seriously.. i got 2 hve that fon.. gosh... fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.... n my dad surely goin 2 kill me if ever mention to him how much it'll goin to cost.. hahahah.. n u dont hve 2 know either... hahahahha... nuff said it'll cost me a lot... hahahahha... we lepak2 at BB kfc after dat.. n around 10, we walkin back to the train station.. otw that, we all nmpak dis snake show.. n i dont know that joen is phobia dgn ular ni.. hahahha.. kecoh kejap kat ctu... around 11 cmtu kmi smpai blik kepong.. hahahha...

n dat is yun

yessss.. we've got a very crazy times


dats all lar.. coz lps dri hri tu, duit pon dh susut... so, x ley nk kuar g mane2.. klas pon da hbs da.. just waitin 4 the final eaxams starting dis 18th untill 24th may.. heheh.. hri ni just tgl singgit je dlm wallet tuh.. untill monday.. wish me luck... hahahhaha... dats all.. daaaa~