long time since my last post... okay.. first of all.. sory ek.. hahahha.. agk busy lerrr... n reen.. dont be mead at me if my update doesn't satisfy u.. hahahah.. okay lar... ni la hri2 yg ak lalui sepanjang ak x meng updatekan blog ak nih.. (x suma hari ak igt.. just yg ak igt je la ek)
last week or last 2 week if im not mistaken.. aku, wahyu, veron n joen g klcc.. saje je nk bawak si veron dgn joen jln2 area kl ni.. coz dorg x pnh pegi klcc(WTF)... hahahah.. so, kmi ni just like jdi unauthorized tourist guide je lar.. hahahah.. smpai ja kat sna kmi tros g tgk tiket wyg that i've booked earlier.. unfortunately, its way over the time that i'll supposed to collected it.. uwaaaaaa.... but, its okay what.. its wednesday n it still 4.. bole lg nk gune student card... hahahahha.. kmi tgk x men origin.. best siot.. hahahha.. n den.. kmi g mkn.. lps tu bru movie stat.. after dat.. ak bwk dorg g menjelajah dlm taman klcc... agak bgk pic yg kmi snap.. hahahahah... si veron punya la hepi smpai lupa hbs kat kmi suma.. she's in her own mind.. (ver, thank god i'll not be sending u to new york..) hahahah.. lastly kmi balik around 9.30.. hahahah..

de day after dat.. ak bgun agak lmbat.. around 12.30.. tu pun sbb nafiz kejutkan suruh anta asgment kat miss faizah b4 6 today... arghhh.. cant they see that im sleeping.. xpe lar.. asgment nye psl... ak pon siap2 la nk g kolej.... lps je anta asgment.. agk keboringan.. so, kol si veron.. dorg ad kat sogo.. ak g join.. n den ak ajk dorg g pavillion... hahahahha.. jln je keje kan.. heheheh.. smpai kat pavillion... keje begamba je.. (dh mmg xde keje lain da...) lps tu.. do penat kaki bejalan, lepak2 kat coffee bean.. n den bwk veron n de geng pegi low yat.. nk survey camera ktenye.. (owh.. 4got 2 mention.. yun.. de new 1 in the geng is also with us dat day..) n i saw this fon that im going to die 4... of course its S.E.. wat else could fancy me.. hahahah.. seriously.. i got 2 hve that fon.. gosh... fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.... n my dad surely goin 2 kill me if ever mention to him how much it'll goin to cost.. hahahah.. n u dont hve 2 know either... hahahahha... nuff said it'll cost me a lot... hahahahha... we lepak2 at BB kfc after dat.. n around 10, we walkin back to the train station.. otw that, we all nmpak dis snake show.. n i dont know that joen is phobia dgn ular ni.. hahahha.. kecoh kejap kat ctu... around 11 cmtu kmi smpai blik kepong.. hahahha...
dats all lar.. coz lps dri hri tu, duit pon dh susut... so, x ley nk kuar g mane2.. klas pon da hbs da.. just waitin 4 the final eaxams starting dis 18th untill 24th may.. heheh.. hri ni just tgl singgit je dlm wallet tuh.. untill monday.. wish me luck... hahahhaha... dats all.. daaaa~
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