...money money money...
everybody keep saying that money is not important..
money is important!!!
well, maybe some will say that im 'mata duitan' or what ever..
ikut suka hati aku la weiiii...
nak kencing pon kena pakai duit kan la ni....
terbukti la duit tu penting...
toksah nak cakap pandai kata duit tu x penting la apa la..
semua benda nak pakai duit..
nak makan, minum..
nak tdo pon kena pakai duit...
ya la..
nak tdo mesti bukak kipas, nak mandi nak pakai air..
semua tu bukan nya free...
tu lah org kata kannn..
manusia lebeh pentingkan dunia drpd akhirat..
bg aku dua2 penting...
tp sama mcm org lain jugak..
cakap ja pandai aku ni ponnn...
cakap kata dua2 penting bg aku..
bila tgk2 balik diri aku ni, ak mmg nmpak sgt yg aku lebeh pentingkan keseronokan dunia..
apa la nak jadi dgn aku ni...
insyaallah satu hari ak akan berubah..
pray for me buddy..
sama2 lah kita berubah ekkk..
back to the topic about money..
ak x kerja lg..
so hidup ak ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh family aku...
(termasuklah maktok aku, tok aku, tokwan aku, bapak aku, mcik2 aku, tok2 sedara aku..)
stiap kali ak balik kg, mesti harapan aku menggunung tuk kutip duit dri semua org yg slalu bg duit kat aku...
bapak ak pulak cakap yg ak gunakan duit lebeh drpd org yg kerja...
pikir2 balik btol jugak cakap my dad tuhh...
bapak ak takot ak x dapat nk sesuaikan diri bila ak dah kerja nanti..
so, dia plan ngn aku yg dia akan msukkan certain amount for a month and thats all for that month...
rm1000 to be exact..
but hell!!!!
x cukup siot....
ak pon xtwu ape yg ak buat with that money..
2 weeks an its all gone..
owh yeahhh... i remember...
i pay the rent..
the bills..
there's another 2 weeks in the month...
and im broke already...
maybe its time to pull out the big gun..
come up with some ground breaking mock up story about how im broke, and call my dad..
its that easy and simple..
and it works every time...
u may be thinking what kind of a son am i...
my dad knows me well...
he always know that im lying to him every time i ask for more money..
but instead, he keep give me more..
love you daddy!!!!
well, maybe im the spoil-est eldest son in the world...(MAYBE)
back to the story...
im broke and i dont like it...
hate it!!
so, someone please find me a sugar mummy..
if i got one, u will get your share...

i wish i have a dozen of these tree...

i want one on these.... huhu

and these!!
WISH ME LUCK!!!!! hahah
everybody keep saying that money is not important..
money is important!!!
well, maybe some will say that im 'mata duitan' or what ever..
ikut suka hati aku la weiiii...
nak kencing pon kena pakai duit kan la ni....
terbukti la duit tu penting...
toksah nak cakap pandai kata duit tu x penting la apa la..
semua benda nak pakai duit..
nak makan, minum..
nak tdo pon kena pakai duit...
ya la..
nak tdo mesti bukak kipas, nak mandi nak pakai air..
semua tu bukan nya free...
tu lah org kata kannn..
manusia lebeh pentingkan dunia drpd akhirat..
bg aku dua2 penting...
tp sama mcm org lain jugak..
cakap ja pandai aku ni ponnn...
cakap kata dua2 penting bg aku..
bila tgk2 balik diri aku ni, ak mmg nmpak sgt yg aku lebeh pentingkan keseronokan dunia..
apa la nak jadi dgn aku ni...
insyaallah satu hari ak akan berubah..
pray for me buddy..
sama2 lah kita berubah ekkk..
back to the topic about money..
ak x kerja lg..
so hidup ak ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh family aku...
(termasuklah maktok aku, tok aku, tokwan aku, bapak aku, mcik2 aku, tok2 sedara aku..)
stiap kali ak balik kg, mesti harapan aku menggunung tuk kutip duit dri semua org yg slalu bg duit kat aku...
bapak ak pulak cakap yg ak gunakan duit lebeh drpd org yg kerja...
pikir2 balik btol jugak cakap my dad tuhh...
bapak ak takot ak x dapat nk sesuaikan diri bila ak dah kerja nanti..
so, dia plan ngn aku yg dia akan msukkan certain amount for a month and thats all for that month...
rm1000 to be exact..
but hell!!!!
x cukup siot....
ak pon xtwu ape yg ak buat with that money..
2 weeks an its all gone..
owh yeahhh... i remember...
i pay the rent..
the bills..
there's another 2 weeks in the month...
and im broke already...
maybe its time to pull out the big gun..
come up with some ground breaking mock up story about how im broke, and call my dad..
its that easy and simple..
and it works every time...
u may be thinking what kind of a son am i...
my dad knows me well...
he always know that im lying to him every time i ask for more money..
but instead, he keep give me more..
love you daddy!!!!
well, maybe im the spoil-est eldest son in the world...(MAYBE)
back to the story...
im broke and i dont like it...
hate it!!
so, someone please find me a sugar mummy..
if i got one, u will get your share...
i wish i have a dozen of these tree...
i want one on these.... huhu
and these!!
WISH ME LUCK!!!!! hahah
Duke's piece
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